When you are migrating from Windows to Linux, there is not a lot of choice. Most of the software that you have to chose from is Open Source Software and most of it is Free. When there is not FRee alternative available, there is always someone interested to build one. We Linux people we like free things, and most often as in Free Beer. That is also the argument that that is most dominant in the Developing world: The people in Africa first need the Freedom relating to the political climate, corruption etc.. Before they can even thing in the Stallman conception of Software Freedom. At the moment things need to be free so that I can use the money to feed the children. Maybe more on this issue in a later date.
How far will I migrate? Will I use MS Office to replace my Open Office, will I use MS Access or SQL Server to replace my MySQL? Will I start to program in Visual Studio, and abandon PHP? Will I become totally dedicated to Proprietary software (as I was a converted and convinced user of FOSS only)? I would be an interesting experimentation, but for the moment not feasible. I do have the money to buy all this software and since I have hardly any proprietary software friends left, also no access to illegal copies. In Uganda you can just buy all the illegal software that you want and like for about $10 per CD Rom at Owino Market in Kampala, but here in Bujumbura this does not seem to be possible (yet). On top of that, now that I am already migrating from the best operating system to an inferior OS, should I also take risks with the applications (I will go insane when I have to use Internet Explorer in stead of Konquerer!)
So this is the plan for the moment: I keep the Windows Operating System (XP SP2), since it came with my new Dell X1, and build a complete Open Source Software system on top of that. I will also be very serious in this effort in that I do not want any proprietary software on my machine (also not software at secret and hidden places that pop up when you do not want or need it (like IE, Media Player, Outlook Express etc)). I think this is going to be a massive task! I am still contemplating whether I will have to replace the GUI (for it is extremely ugly and these seem to be FOSS alternatives for that. I have to investigate that further). Also, I want to migrate a much as possible of the data and information on my Linux machine to the new 'FOSSonWindows' machine. Are the software standards all the same - I do not know. Many things to be investigated (and that on that slowest Internet connection imaginable (unreliable modem connection by Burundi's main telecom provider that seldom gets beyond 33kbps and breaks off almost every 20 minutes).