In most countries (developed as well as the developing world) legislators, regulators and policy makers in the telecommunications and media sectors are confronted with the situation that the strict borders between telecommunication, information technology, media and their supporting infrastructure are disappearing. Convergence of technologies, services and industries demand a fundamental re-thinking of the traditional sectorial legislation and regulations. In a time where ICT penetrates the domain of the audiovisual media and vice versa, a new ball game is starting.
In their research report
Régulation des communications électroniques à l’heure de la convergence: enjeux, état des lieux et perspectives en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre the
Centre sur les politiques internationales des TIC Afrique du Centre en de l'Ouest (CIPACO) examines the implications of this trend for Central and West Africa.
The study is based on a large amount of different sources. The interviews to explore the implications of convergence for regulation were mainly conducted with the regulatory authorities in Senegal (Haut Conseil de l’Audiovisuel, HCA, Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications, ART and Direction de l’Informatique de l’Etat, DIE). Case studies outside the regions are also presented. Finally the study tries to identify the key implied issues and explores ways of addressing the induced new regulatory challenges that
face the countries.
In their recommendations to face the challenges of convergence the CIPACO notes that policy makers, regulators, industry and civil society all have to play their role in moving the convergence agenda forward (page 57-58). The study provides practical guidelines.
Policy makers:
- Develop regional and sub-regional approaches and harmonize regulatory frameworks and training programs
- Develop models that can be tailored to countries at different levels of information society development
- Build convergence into technical cooperation projects addressing information society issues
- Bring civil society into information society debates to ensure that the interests of society as a whole are adequately addressed
- Encourage regulatory associations to deepen the understanding of convergence issues
- Establish channels of communication between telecommunications and media regulators to develop rationale for addressing convergence through single regulatory framework
- Develop strategic partnerships between infrastructure and content providers
- Develop economies of scale
Civil Society:
- Increase understanding of issues by civil society organizations
- Lobby public and private sector to ensure recognition of social interests
The report provides interesting perspectives on the West and Central African regulatory challenges. We are waiting eagerly for a similar exploration in the East and South African regions by CIPACO's counterpart CIPESA (
Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa).
This article has also been published on the website of the World Dialogue on Regulation (